1Malaysia Village’s requests for facilities fulfilled


MIRI: The government approved three projects for the 1Malaysia Village at Jalan Miri Bypass, including another community hall estimated to cost RM10,000.

Datuk Sebastian Ting, who is  Political Secretary to Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Peter Chin, said the minister, who is also Miri MP, had approved the allocation for the projects.

“Another two projects with immediate approval are  the supply of 1Malaysia water tank and zinc for the use of 55 families in the village,” he said when officiating  at the Ngiling Tikai ceremony held at 1Malaysia Village multi-purpose hall.

He was representing Chin.

Ting, who is also Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Piasau branch chairman, urged the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) to list the names and other information to ease delivery of these items.

“For the request of 1Malaysia tank, we will work on it as soon as possible so that folks there will get their water supply,” he added.

Other requests also to be reviewed are the supply of gravel for the village road as well as electricity supply.

“As for the gravels, I urge the village folks to write to Datuk Seri Peter Chin so that he could officially act on it. I will follow up with Sesco on the request for electricity,” he added.

These were in response to JKKK 1Malaysia Village chairman Julius Lemon’s earlier requests for the 1Malaysia water tank, road upgrade, and electricity supply and to build community hall.