Don’t use scare tactics, Piasau assemblyman tells Chin


MIRI: Piasau assemblyman Alan Ling Sie Kiong has urged Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Chin not to use scare tactics to canvass for votes ahead of the upcoming 13th general election.

Ling issued this reminder in light of Chin’s recent claim that “If Miri fell, Miri falls”, stressing that it was the responsibility of the elected government to make good use of taxpayers’ money to develop the country.

“His claim that the allocation for infrastructure development for Miri had reduced because of DAP’s win in Pujut and Piasau did not make sense,” he said, pointing out that significant development projects had been completed in DAP-held constituencies such as the Piasau bridge and Pujut 7 traffic interchange.

Ling also said development should not be made conditional.

“As a responsible opposition, we’re ready to advise the government constructively, such as recommending the upgrading of the run-down central police station buildings and the poorly equipped clinics as among the much needed development in Miri, even raising it in DUN (State Legislative Assembly) sittings,” he added.

Ling suggested that Barisan Nasional discard the ‘I help you, you help me’ mentality if it hopes to regain the people’s respect of a caring government.

“The people will appreciate a merit system for efficiency in a well-run city, a crime-free environment for peaceful living and affordable quality tertiary education to boost employment,” he added.