Work alongside govt through volunteerism, youths told


MUAR: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has called on young people to join hands with the government to develop the country through volunteerism.

He said the future of the country and the people, rested not only on the government’s shoulders but also that of the youths.

“The government gives tremendous recognition to young people. We want to mobilise young people to work together to develop and build the country through volunteer activities,” he said when addressing over 20,000 youths at the state-level ‘My Beautiful Malaysia’ programme at the Sultan Ibrahim Stadium here yesterday.

Muhyiddin, who is also education minister, said in recognition the National Year of Volunteers, the government provided an allocation RM100 million under the 1Malaysia Volunteer Fund for voluntary bodies.

He said the future of the people and the country should be fought  together with young people who have the knowledge, enthusiasm  and  spirit for they were an important asset to the country.

At the same time, he asked young people not to be easily influenced by negative elements that could affect racial harmony and economic progress that were built over the years.

The ‘My Beautiful Malaysia’ programme which was held simultaneously in nine districts in Johor attracted over 100,000 youths. — Bernama