Seven Iban books published by Borneo Media Solutions so far


Gempung Ensera Nembiak Tusun 1

Gempung Ensera Nembiak Tusun 2

Johnny Chuat

SIBU: Borneo Media Solutions (BMS), a subsidiary of Pegari Iban Production (PIP), has so far published seven books in the Iban language.

BMS general manager Johnny Chuat said they included five novels and two on Iban folklores.

The novels, he said, were ‘Terutu Jemu Ambun Lemai’, ‘Puntan Pengerindu’, ‘Ai Ditetak Enda Putus’, ‘Kenang Pengerindu Tua’ and ‘Tekelambang Singkang’.

The folklores collections were titled ‘Gempung Ensera Nembiak Tusun 1’ and ‘Gempung Ensera Nembiak Tusun 2’.

“The stories in the collections are based on unwritten folklores passed down from the older generations like the deer and turtle and ‘jelu nubai’ (animals going fishing using tuba root),” he said.

Johnny said the collections were suitable for children as well as adults to refresh their childhood memories.

He said the stories were accompanied by illustrations.

“There are eight volumes altogether. Volume 3 to 8 will be published in stages,” he said.

Among the writers are Jantan Umbat, Janang Ensiring, Caroline Asing, Richard Changgan and Howard Jilan.

The books can be purchased online via