Forty illegals detained at oil palm estate

Immigration Department officers checking a group of foreign workers rounded up at the oil palm plantation.

Immigration Department officers checking a group of foreign workers rounded up at the oil palm plantation.

KUCHING: Forty illegal immigrants were rounded up by the Immigration Department during an operation at an oil palm plantation on Friday.

The operation at Mile 32 Kuching-Serian Road was led by senior assistant director Yusdi Morshidi and comprised a total of 40 personnel from the department’s enforcement division here.

Accoding to Yusdi, the team conducted checks on 74 persons comprising two locals and 65 Indonesian males, six Indonesian females and a child.

“Following checks conducted on each individual, 40 of the foreign nationals were found to be illegals and subsequently detained for committing various offences.

“Thirty-five were held under Section 6(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for failing to produce any travel documents while the rest were held under Section 15(1)(c) of the same Act for overstaying,” said Yusdi in a media statement yesterday.

Yusdi said those detained would be sent to the Semuja Immigration Depot in Serian pending further action while their employer would be summoned to assist in investigations.