Families head for pristine Sematan Beach

Scenic view of Sematan Beach.

Scenic view of Sematan Beach.

SEMATAN, Kuching: Many parents see the school holidays as a good time to bring their children to enjoy nature’s beauty.

Rasmi Rajunie who hails from Kampung Kupang Tengah, Saratok brought his twin girls to the seaside.

“Exposing my children to beautiful Sematan Beach helps instill awareness, appreciation and love for nature.

“Later in life, they may see to it that nature is not destroyed or polluted,” he said when met at the beach on Tuesday.

Sematan (also known as Simatan) is a fishing village overlooking the South China Sea.

It lies approx-imately 67.5 km (42 miles) west-north-west of the state capital Kuching.

It has beautiful clean beaches, a promenade along the waterfront and a concrete pier jutting into the sea.

Another holiday maker Ani Raj accompanied her three boys for some safe fun with sand.

“I prefer to bring them to the seaside rather than go around the city. A holiday surrounded by nature is my choice because of my love for nature.

“I want my boys to enjoy the refreshing sea breeze. They will learn about the need to preserve nature so its beauty can be enjoyed for many years to come,” she said.

Ani Raj said Sematan Beach is well maintained at all times of the year.

“However, as the wave is quite high during the rainy season, I don’t allow my boys to swim.

“They can have fun at the sandy area far from the big waves as safety matters,” she added.

Mother Suraya said children should not be allowed to play without supervision.

“It does not matter whether the wave is high or not as we want to make sure we not only have a good time, but go home safely,” she said.

A family relaxes at Sematan beach during the school holidays.

A family relaxes at Sematan beach during the school holidays.