‘Contractor has done its best to tar-seal road before start of Baram Regatta’


Datu Dr Penguang Manggil

SIBU: The contractor tasked with tar-sealing at least 16 kilometres of the Miri-Marudi road before the start of the Baram Regatta has ‘done its best’, according to Assistant Minister of Local Government Datu Dr Penguang Manggil.

“The condition of the Miri-Marudi road may not be at its best, but the contractor has done its best to keep the promise of tar-sealing at least 16 km (of the road) before the regatta,” he said when contacted yesterday.

Dr Penguang was commenting on a recent article in The Borneo Post on the muddy and pothole-riddled road affecting the number of spectators expected at the regatta, which will run from Aug 25-27.

“I totally agree with the reporter that certain stretches of the road need to be improved in the interest of road users who are coming to see the Baram Regatta, which I think is the mother of all regattas.”

According to the Marudi assemblyman, he has been in constant contact with the relevant authorities and has been ‘pushing’ on the matter, adding he could not have done more as the people’s elected representative.

“I certainly hope that JKR (Public Works Department) and CMS (Roads Sdn Bhd) will listen to the plight of the people and the road users, and take the necessary action to improve those stretches of road that are really in bad shape.”

Meanwhile, several road users, including private transportation operators ferrying passengers on the road on a daily basis, have appealed to the authorities to lay gravel along stretches of the road that have yet to be tar-sealed.

A motorist claimed that the potholes not only caused delays in the journey, but also posed a danger to road users.

He figured that people might think twice about coming to the regatta due to the poor road condition.