Dry weather results in good haul for fishermen


Haslan holds up a Sakam weighing 5kg.

MARUDI: The dry weather here over the last two weeks has actually been very profitable for local fishermen.

Water levels in some of the lakes, streams, and rivers may be low, but the boats of fishermen have been full.

Fish being caught in abundance either in nets or by hooks include Tapah, Baong, Mengalan, and Sakam.

Part-time fisherman Haslan Azemi, 40, was among those who had a good haul yesterday.

His catch from Logan Tumau included Merah Mata, one of which weighed 5.3kg, which he sold for RM35 per kg.

He also caught Sakam, which he also sold for RM35 per kg.

There was good demand for the fish from locals as well as visitors from Miri.