DOSM to carry out Population and Housing e-census 2020


Participants of the statistics talk in Bintulu.

Datin Rozita Talha

BINTULU: The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) will be utilising the latest technology to carry out the National Population and Housing Census 2020.

DOSM Population and Demographic Statistics senior director Datin Rozita Talha said the upcoming census would be the sixth national census to be conducted by the department, and the first under the new PH government after the transition of power.

She said the exercise would be conducted for two weeks beginning July 8, 2020 and this time around, new relevant approaches would be used by DOSM.

She pointed out that it would be costly to continue with the ordinary way of using papers and forms, hence the 2020 census will fully utilise the technological advancements such as the e-census and other gadgets.

Rozita said this when delivering a talk on the National Population and Housing Census 2020 held at the BDA Public Library Auditorium yesterday. Also present was DOSM Sarawak director Roslawati Yahya.

“When using the normal way, it would cost hundred millions but with the new innovation hopefully it could reduce the cost and ensure a smoother census exercise,” she said.

However, for Sarawak, Rozita said they will be facing logistic and geographical challenges because to reach the most remote locations in the rural areas, they will need to travel by boats or helicopter, hence the Geographical Information System (GIS) will be used.

She said the national population and housingcensus is conducted once in every 10 years and the last census was conducted in 2010.

For Bintulu, based on the 2010 census data collected, the total population here is around 220,048 people compared to 194,200 in 2000 with Sarawak’s total population in 2010 at 2,471,140 people.

Rozita said a comprehensive census data is very important in order to prepare national development plans so that the federal government grants could be distributed effectively for the development of all states in the country.

Meanwhile Roslawati said the 2020 census will be the sixth decennial census to be conducted since the formation of Malaysia in 1963. The first five censuses were held in 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010 respectively.

“The census is an enormous statistical project undertaken to produce very useful data for planning and implementation of national development policies which is also in line with the Sarawak transformation agenda,” she said.

Touching on the census literacy seminar, she said the programme started last year in Kuching, Miri, Sibu and recently in Kapit.

“The objectives are to give a briefing on census 2020, and also to create awareness among the public,” said Roslawati.