Irresponsible parties trying to tarnish my name, reputation – Hajiji



KOTA KINABALU: Former Umno Sabah Liaison Chairman Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Haji Noor regrets that there are irresponsible quarters trying to tarnish his name and reputation.

The Sulaman assemblyman was referring to a news article and photo containing a letter that went viral on the social media, especially in and, purportedly to be a secret letter from him.

“I would like to stress here that I and my friends formerly leaders of Sabah UMNO have nothing to do nor do we have no direct connection whatsoever with what had been accused and made viral in the social media.

“I strongly deny the accusation and it is a defamation meant to damage and smear my good name and reputation as Sulaman Assemblyman,” said Hajiji in a statement today.

He believes that there are certain parties with bad intention deliberately trying to associate his name and the name of Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, as well as Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), to an alleged “Project IC”.

Hajiji stressed that he and the former Sabah UMNO leaders will continue to fight to ensure the rights and interests of Sabahans and Sabah continue to be safeguarded and secured in Malaysia.

“I am now investigating this matter and have directed my lawyer to take legal action including suing the irresponsible parties for spreading the defamatory article, particularly the and

“I hope social media practitioners will be more careful, ethical and responsible and would avoid spreading such baseless and defamatory article because it is harmful for the people and community,” Hajiji said.