Independence referendum for Sarawak focal point of STAR agenda in state election, says Soo


Soo (centre) speaks to reporters, accompanied by Buln (left) and Teo.

KUCHING: State Reform Party (STAR) will be pursuing an independence referendum for Sarawak as their core agenda in the coming state election.

Party president Lina Soo made the announcement in a press conference today, citing the cardinal principle of self-determination.

She explained that self-determination is codified in the United Nations (UN) Charter Article 1 and Article 55, and is an established legal doctrine in modern international law.

It reads that the permanent population of a defined territory has the inalienable right to decide their political, cultural and economic future.

She further explained that an independence referendum is a voting process where citizens can choose to decide whether the territory should become an independent sovereign state, making reference to several independence referendums that were made across the world.

She said that one common question asked is whether Sarawak can hold an independence referendum as there is no referendum law.

“The answer is yes. This is because the supremacy of the Parliament to make or unmake law.

“In an independence referendum, it is usually a Yes-or-No vote for independence or continued union in a larger political entity such as a federation,” she said, adding that if the State Legislative Assembly wants to go for it, it can pass an ordinance.

Soo noted that the best way to carry out an independence referendum is to negotiate and get the blessing of the federal government.

“We do it law by law, peacefully. Let the people decide whether they want our sovereignty restored,” she said.

She pointed out that Sarawak is no stranger to sovereignty status under international law and that it had sovereignty before the Second World War.

Soo further claimed that in informal surveys among Sarawakians across sections of the community, there is growing awareness of civic rights.

“The calls are getting louder for the right to vote to decide our political future.

“Sarawakians are now politically matured and ready to make an informed decision to determine the sovereignty and future of our nation,” she said.

Also present were chairman Buln Ribos and assistant secretary Teo Kuang Kim.