MCC collects RM45 million in assessment rates this year


Yii (right) launches the Assessment Rate Lucky Draw session while others look on.

MIRI: The Miri City Council (MCC) has collected RM44.98 million in assessment rates this year or 90.53 per cent of the total estimated amount.

For outstanding rates Mayor Adam Yii said they had collected RM3.58 million (31.14 pct) as of Jan 1 this year.

“Since Miri has been elevated to a city on May 20, 2005, Miri has developed by leaps and bounds.

“The total number of properties here was 38,573 in 2005. As of November this year, the number of properties comprising residential, commercial and industrial has increased to 68,767 units,” he said when officiating at the MCC’s second lucky draw session for Assessment Rates 2019 at Permaisuri Imperial City Mall yesterday.

Yii thanked the rate payers for their commitment in paying the assessment rates on time.

“The high collection is made possible because of rate payers who paid their assessment rates on or before the due date. We introduced the lucky draw session in 2018 as a gesture of our appreciation to the rate payers. It is the first such thing done for assessment rates in Sarawak.”

Ratepayers who made payment for the whole year (2019) on or before Oct 31 are eligible to join the lucky draw session.

Those with 100 per cent waiver of assessment rates and those  with outstanding amounts are not entitled for the lucky draw.

MCC will give away 45 items for the lucky draw, which include a sofa set, mountain bike, laptop, tablet, smart phone, air conditioner, washing machine, fridge, other home appliances and gift vouchers.

The winners will be drawn digitally based on MCC’s property record in the system.

Deputy mayor Julaihi Mohamad, secretary Morshidi Fredrick and other councillors were also present at the event.