Pandi expects new cabinet to hit the ground running


Pandi Suhaili

BINTULU: The new federal cabinet under Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is expected to hit the ground running given their vast experience in government administration and top management in various profession, says Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu Sarawak (PBB) supreme council member Pandi Suhaili.

He believed the new lineup of ministers and deputy ministers under the new government can bring back political and economic stability to the country.

While congratulating the new cabinet members, Pandi said the people are hoping they will carry out their administration and management duties holistically.

He said the people are hoping the new cabinet would focus on major issues such as the high cost of living, economy, unity of races which have been damaged because of the inefficiency of the previous government which was embroiled in politicking instead of improving the people’s welbeing.

Pandi hoped the new government would not repeat the same mistakes of the previous government.

“I also would like to urge all parties especially the people to give a chance and trust to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and his new cabinet to carry out their duties.

“I also urge politicians, political parties to stop making a mess that can affected the people on the ground with their political dramas, the people are worried with the political uncertainty.

“Interestingly in the Prime Minister’s speech while naming his new cabinet Tan Sri Muhyiddin assured Sarawak and Sabah of fulfilling the MA63 agreement,” he said.

He hoped the new government would reallocate the funds for the construction of bridges in Sarawak which had been cancelled by the previous Pakatan Harapan government.

“These bridges are very important for us Sarawakians, because it can connect us and develop our economy particularly in the coastal and rural area,” Pandi said.