Raghad donates RM60,000 to Sarawak General Hospital


Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Raghad Kurdi Taib

KUCHING: Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Raghad Kurdi Taib, the wife of Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, has donated RM60,000 to the Sarawak General Hospital in the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The contribution is for the purchase of medicine and hospital equipment.

In a statement today, Raghad expressed her gratitude for the frontliners, including medical personnel and authorities, for their unwavering commitment in tracking and treating the Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) virus in the state.

She also expressed her hopes that the outbreak would be contained soon and urged Sarawakians to cooperate and adhere to the guidelines issued by the Health Ministry throughout this Movement Control Order period.