Wushu 2020 season faces uncertainty – SMAA chief coach


Gilbert Wong

SIBU: Sibu Martial Arts (Quanshu) Association (SMAA) chief coach Gilbert Wong fears that wushu season this year could be over due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said they are now waiting for the situation to improve before deciding on their next move.

“It’s getting a bit frustrating and the havoc wrecked by Covid-19 has not only slowed down wushu but other sporting activities as well,” he said.

Wong said three wushu championships have already been postponed to the second half of the year.

They were set to participate in the Legend of DongWu Wushu tournament in Kuala Lumpur in April, Sibu Division Inter-Schools Wushu competition in May and Inter-Divisions Schools Wushu tournament in June.

“We have no choice but to skip the KL meet and to postpone the two local events due to the Covid-19 pandemic and also to obey the Movement Control Order (MCO) which has been extended to April 14,” he added.

Wong said the three events, together with other championships slated to be held in the later half of the year, might even be scrapped if the situation deteriorates.

Despite the setback, Wong said he had reminded his exponents to be optimistic and to do individual training and light exercises at home during the MCO period.

“Wushu is very different compared to other sports and when the athletes stop training even within a short span of time, their movement and flexibility will be greatly impeded and reduced,” he said.

SMAA currently have 30 active members who are not only excelled in wushu but also in lion and dragon dance.

Over the years, SMAA have won numerous awards in both the state and national lion and dragon dances championships.

Wong said SMAA coach Frankie Hii is keeping in touch with his students through video-calling apps and other online applications to keep track of their training.

“This is vital to enhance the mental health of the athletes are secured and taken care of during this difficult period.”