Health DG: Monitoring of Italy cluster in Kuching officially ends


A policeman stops a car as a member of the armed forces looks on at the roadblock at Jalan Tun Amar Zaidi Adruce near Satok, Kuching. File Photo

KUCHING: The monitoring of the Covid-19 Italy cluster in Kuching has officially ended, said Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

During a Covid-19 situation update press conference at Putrajaya today, Dr Noor Hisham said a total of 65 positive cases were identified and five deaths were reported.

“As for today, the monitoring of Tahfiz Lanchang cluster at Temerloh, Pahang with 6 positive cases identified was also ended,” he said.

“It not only falls on the shoulders of the Ministry of Health and government to carry out enforcement (on compliance of standard operating procedures) all the time but the responsibility is also equally shared by the public,” said Dr Noor Hisham.

For those celebrating Kaamatan and Gawai festivals, he urged the celebrants to continue observing the ‘new norm’ such as avoiding crowded places, confined space and close conversation.