PBB to get Youth members closer to rural communities


Jamit (seated front, third left) and Rentap on his left join (seated front, from left) Allan, Fazzrudin, Miro and Aidel in a group photo with PBB Youth members taken after the briefing at Kapit Civic Centre.

KAPIT: A programme by Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) aims to bring the party’s youth members closer to the communities in this part of central Sarawak.

The three-day ‘Misi Pemuda PBB Armada PRN (State Election) 12’ convoy involves some 100 PBB Youth members from all across the state, led by Layar assemblyman Gerald Rentap Jabu who is also PBB Youth chief.

Also joining are the deputy chiefs Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman and Miro Simuh, who are the assemblymen for Tupong and Serembu, respectively; vice-chiefs Aidel Lariwoo who is also Sadong Jaya assemblyman and Leonard Jambu; treasurer Allan Siden Gramong who is Machan assemblyman; and the programme’s organising chairman Malcolm Layang.

They all converged on Tanahmas Hotel in Sibu on Saturday morning before departing for Kapit in the afternoon – some of them travelled on board four-wheel drive vehicles, while others boarded express boats.

Along the way, the convoy made a stop at Rumah Nanga Bulang in Kanowit, where they attended a gathering at the longhouse.

Upon arrival here, the PBB Youth members received a warm welcome from Bukit Goram assemblyman Jefferson Jamit Unyat.

Yesterday, the convoy members took part in a friendly match, where they played against the local PBB Youth team.

In the evening, they went to an ‘Ice-Breaking BBQ’ session hosted by Bukit Goram PBB Youth chief Juson Jarrau at his residence in Taman Siew Gin, Bletih.

Yesterday, the visitors and the local PBB Youth members attended a briefing conducted at the conference room of Kapit Civic Centre, where divisional engineer Bujang Kanang delivered his presentation on the physical development going on in Kapit.

This was followed by a question-answer session, facilitated by Rentap and fellow elected people’s representatives from PBB.

The next activity on the programme yesterday was a visit to the Iban Methodist Church at KM3 of Jalan Bukit Goram, where the convoy members took part in a community project. After that, they headed to Kampung Baru at Jalan Suhari here for another community project.

Yesterday’s programme concluded with a dinner event that took place at Sri Baleh multipurpose hall.

Today, the PBB Youth convoy is in Song District for the final leg of the ‘Misi Pemuda PBB Armada PRN 12’, where they would be engaged in various community-oriented activities.