Flights to and from Sarawak will return to normal come Sept 1, says SDMC


The number of flights into Sarawak was reduced from Aug 1 to 31 due to the consideration over the state’s capacity in terms of the implementation of the mandatory quarantine order. File Photo

KUCHING: Air connectivity between Sarawak and other parts outside the state will be restored to normal, effective Sept 1, the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) announced today.

SDMC chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said the government had decided to reduce the number of flights into Sarawak from Aug 1 to 31 due to the consideration over the state’s capacity in terms of the implementation of the mandatory quarantine order.

“We reduced the number of flights to Sarawak from Aug 1 to 31 after looking at our ability to enforce the mandatory quarantine and control entry into the state.

“From Sept 1, the operations of air connectivity will be back to normal, with the number of flights increased,” he said at the daily update press conference here.

Uggah said the Local Government and Housing Ministry had come up with the standard operating procedures (SOP) for children’s leisure centre at shopping malls, which will be allowed to resume operations from Sept 1 onwards.

He added that the Youth and Sports Ministry will also be announcing the SOP for sports-related activities that had been approved by the state cabinet.

The police have also issued 12 compound notices to those who failed to comply with the SOP.

Of these, he said six compound notices were issued in Kuching, followed by two each in Padawan and Sarikei, and one each in Kota Samarahan and Betong.

“Even though the Covid-19 curve seems to have flattened, we appeal to the members of the public not to be overconfident but continue to observe the SOP set by the government.

“With that, and with the cooperation and support of everyone, we hope that Sarawak will continue showing some success in the war against Covid-19. Let’s take care of Sarawak,” added Uggah.