Covid-19: S’wak records three new clusters


Bernama file photo shows an active case detection exercise.

KUCHING (July 5): Sarawak recorded three new clusters, with one contributing almost a quarter of today’s new cases, said the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC).

The new clusters are the Sega Cluster in Bau, Sungai Sebetan Cluster in Saratok and Industry 121 Kuala Baram Cluster in Miri, the committee stated in their daily update.

The Sega Cluster in Bau involves a few families from different households at Kampung Sega, Serumbu in Bau and 61 individuals were screened with 17, including the index case, testing positive.

All positive patients were admitted to the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) and a Covid-19 low risk treatment and quarantine centre (PKRC) in Kuching.

The Sungai Sebetan Cluster is a community cluster involving a house and a longhouse located at Mile 5, Jalan Engkudu-Peligong, Sungai Sebetan in Saratok.

“From this cluster, a total of 101 individuals were screened with 45 including the index case testing positive,” said SDMC, adding that all the positive cases were admitted to SGH, Betong Hospital and a PKRC in Betong.

As for the Industry 121 Kuala Baram Cluster, it involves a workers’ quarters of a plywood factory currently placed under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

A total of 221 individuals were screened due to the cluster with 132 testing positive. A majority, or 125, of the positive cases are foreigners while the others are locals.

All positive patients were admitted to Miri Hospital and its PKRC, said the committee.

Meanwhile, SDMC said that two clusters, namely the Hulu Spaoh Cluster in Betong and Jalan Airport Cluster in Miri, have ended after no new cases were reported in the past 28 days.

To date, there are 98 active clusters with 13 continuing to report a total of 238 new cases today.

The clusters that reported new cases were Gerigat Cluster in Kabong with five cases; Kampung Sebandi Hilir Cluster in Lundu (2); Quadruplex Lapan Enam Cluster in Miri (1); Kevok Cluster in Telang Usan (3); Lunyim Cluster in Telang Usan (17); Nanga Tada Cluster in Kanowit (13); Luteng Cluster in Telang Usan (20); Po Ai Cluster in Sri Aman (19); Blimbing Cluster in Bau (1); Kilometer 85 Cluster in Mukah (6); Sungai Entajum Cluster in Tatau (5), Sungai Pelepak Cluster in Meradong (33) and Industry 121 Kuala Baram Cluster in Miri (113).