32 youths in Sri Aman join SUPP


Harden (fifth right) poses with some of the youths who were recruited to be SUPP new members recently in Sri Aman.

SRI AMAN (Feb 25): Thirty-two new membership application forms to join Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) have been received during the recruitment drive held at one of the restaurants here.

The submission of forms was witnessed by Simanggang assemblyman Datuk Francis Harden.

Speaking at the event, Harden said he was happy that the membership applications were from youths, which indicated that the younger generations were coming forward to join the party.

“I am utmost pleased that the youths are coming forward to join the party, in line with the government’s aspirations of Undi18. This is also to prepare them to be party leaders in the future.

“I am happy to note that young people like you are inspired and interested in serving the community through the party platform. I wish to remind you all to work by prioritising the party’s struggle because that way we can be committed without expecting returns from the services provided,” he said.

During the registration, the new members were provided with recruitment forms for them to fill and to be submitted to the registration team, coordinated by Kapitan Ling Siew Hung as the chairman of SUPP Simanggang Women’s Wing, assisted by TR Rose Emma Stanley Gate and TR Lina Busang.

The new membership cards were later handed over to the new recruits by Harden.

Meanwhile, Penghulu Kang Tai Kong welcomed the involvement of young people from the Chinese community to join SUPP.

“The move by the youths is in line with the government’s aspiration to implement Undi18, which allows youths to be automatically registered as voters when they reach the age of 18.

“Joining the party is not to get special privileges or seek profit and position because if you assume that the party is the place where you will get your returns and special privileges, you may end up disappointed,” said Kang.