Snowdan: Welfare of rural Dayaks remains PRS’ core focus


PRS members attend the TDC at Kingwood Hotel in Sibu.

SIBU (April 24): Party Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth chief Datuk Snowdan Lawan has given his assurance that the party would continue to do its best in delivering more vigorous developments to the rural areas especially in the fields of education and training, infrastructures, local economy and entrepreneurship.

According to him, the party also strives to continue taking care of the welfare of the Dayaks in the rural areas, where its stronghold lies.

In this regard, he said PRS would collaborate with the relevant agencies and continue assisting the people in obtaining, utilising and optimising their fair share of all business aid and incentives provided by the government.

“The real beneficiaries are our supporters in the rural areas.

“Therefore, they must be made to benefit from the winnings that the party attained in the last state election,” he spoke at the opening of the fifth triennial delegates conference (TDC) of PRS Youth and PRS Women at Kingwood Hotel here yesterday.

Snowdan, who is Deputy Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts II, said with the likelihood of the 15th general election (GE15) being called soon and the Undi18 coming into effect, PRS Youth would always be on ‘alert mode’ – ready for early preparations towards mobilising the election machinery at any time.

“PRS Youth views positively the implementation of Undi 18 in GE15. It’s a way of welcoming their active participation in mainstream politics.”

On a separate subject, Snowdan acknowledged a certain perception about a Dayak-based political party not being able to survive after its first president had left for any reason.

For the record, former deputy chief minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing founded the PRS in 2004 and became its president – a position that he had held up until his death on Oct 31 last year, at age 72.

“We, as party members, are to prove them wrong.

“We trust our constitution, and we trust our Supreme Council because that is the highest decision-making body of our party.

“We all have to subscribe to what has been reached upon either by consensus or by endorsement, as per our constitution – failing which our party is in jeopardy for reasons that are uncalled for. It can cause our entity to be deregistered.

“We cannot compromise on this, or else we’d be seen defeating our own rules and purposes.”

Snowdan also said the legacy and leadership of Masing had created ‘a strong, united and relevant PRS’.

“In this regard, PRS Youth is committed to passing the legacy to the next generation of youths, which is PEWARIS PRS.”