All political blocs should be led by local parties – Ewon


Ewon (fourth from left) with former UPKO President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, party deputy president Datuk Donald Mojuntin and other leaders at the Penampang triennial general meeting.

PENAMPANG (June 12): All political blocs in Sabah whether existing or newly set up should be led by local-based parties, said United Progressive Kinabalu Organization (UPKO) Vice President Datuk Ewon Benedick.

According to him, this country which was established through the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) encompasses the aspirations and spirit of statehood during the formation which must be maintained today in order to succeed in the decentralization process of the federal administration.

“We at UPKO welcome any formation of political blocs in Sabah, whether existing or new. But I think all these political blocs should be led by local parties. This includes Pakatan Harapan (PH) Sabah,” he said.

According to him, PH Sabah must be seen to have decision making autonomy and leadership led by local parties in accordance with the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

“The decision to file a suit against the Federal Government on June 3 by all Sabah PH MPs and state assemblymen is a decision made by the Sabah leadership council without having to refer to the PH presidential council because matters related to Sabah’s rights must be decided in Sabah by state leaders. This shows that the Sabah PH has the autonomy to make its own decisions.

“For PH Sabah to compete better with other political blocs, it must embody the sentiments and spirit of statehood as during the formation of this country through the Malaysia Agreement.

“Therefore, it is appropriate for PH Sabah to be led by local parties. This is my view and as long as I am part of UPKO leadership, this will continue to be the view that I will give to my colleagues in the political blocs, “he said.

According to him, there is no genuine local political bloc in Sabah due to the participation and dominance of Peninsular-based parties in the existing political coalition including the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) which is also dominated by Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu).

Ewon, who is also the Kadamaian State Assemblyman, said this after officiating the UPKO Penampang triennial general meeting here on Saturday.

Earlier in his speech, Ewon suggested that the Sabah PH bloc be led by a local party.

“I see UPKO can lead the Sabah PH bloc leadership in some areas such as Penampang. The same goes for the state level. However, it needs to be refined and discussed at the Sabah PH leadership level, especially before the next state election,” he said.