Sabah students shine in Chinese Bridge contest


Maybelle from SJKC St Peter, Telipok has emerged as the champion in the Competition.

KOTA KINABALU (June 12): The final of the second Chinese Bridge (Chinese Proficiency Competition) for primary school students of Malaysia was held online on June 11.

The competition was hosted by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia and organized by the Kongzi Institute of University of Malaya.

Seventeenth contestants from Malaysia were selected to compete in the final. Among the 12 contestants sponsored by the Confucius Institute, University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Maybelle Meryl Maurice from SJKC St Peter, Telipok emerged as the champion, whereas Anmar Yusof bin Izwan from SJKC St James won the third placing.

Jasnita binti Mat Saad from SJK Che Hwa and six other contestants have won the excellence award, and three other contestants won the consolation prize.

Maybelle will represent Malaysia in the international level of the second Chinese Bridge competition together with the runner-up.

At the opening ceremony of the competition, Zhao Chang Tao, Education Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, said in his speech that the Chinese civilization has a long history and splendid culture of more than 5,000 years. Mandarin is a language that is commonly used by more than one billion people in the world. It is like a key to unlock Chinese civilization.

By learning Chinese, everyone not only can understand Chinese songs, learn to cook Chinese dishes, but also know more about Chinese culture and history, and have deeper understanding of the Chinese civilization and folk customs.

Prof Dr Yong Zulina, Vice Chancellor International Affair of the University of Malaya, said that the Chinese Bridge Competition as a platform to promote language and cultural exchanges between China and Malaysia has played a role in encouraging Malaysians students in primary, secondary and high schools to learn Chinese, improve their Chinese proficiency and deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.

The contents of the competition includes language and culture knowledge test, speech quiz and Chinese talent show.

All the 17 contestants from Malaysia have shared their experience on how to learn Chinese effectively.

They also shared their learning skills such as learning Mandarin through singing and reading stories.

In the talent show session, all the contestants have shown their talents by performing singing, calligraphy skills, dancing, allegro and so on. The splendid show has won praised by the judges and audiences.

Krisya Elyeka and Maia Ixora won the excellence awards, and Athena Axora Humphrey received the consolation award. All these three Bumiputera contestants are from Kota Kinabalu High School.