Sarawakians proud to be among Sibu International BASE Jump participants (Video)


(From second left) Awang, Tait, Selip, and Eddy wait their turn to jump from Wisma Sanyan. — Photo by Jane Moh

SIBU (Sept 15): Four Sarawakians are proud to be among the participants of the Sibu International BASE Jump from the state’s second tallest building, which began today and will run until Sept 17.

Naval special forces veteran Eddy Sengalang, 46, from Kapit said even though he had experienced about 800 jumps from skydiving, this was his first time BASE jumping.

Yesterday’s trial jump (Wednesday) was his first attempt.

He described the experience as totally different from skydiving and much scarier.

“Now, I want to challenge myself in BASE jump. I had two jumps yesterday. I was very excited and scared at the same time.

“However, I am doing this for Kapit and Sibu and Sarawak. I am going to do my best throughout this event,” he said.

Malaysian jumpers get ready for the ‘Train Jump’.– Photo by Jane Moh

Fellow first time BASE jumper Awang Radin Awang Salleh, 44, from Kampung Sok, Matu called the experience was indescribable.

The army veteran said he is so proud to be representing Sarawak and Malaysia.

During his 21-year service in the army, he experienced some 500 skydiving jumps.

After retiring, he decided to try BASE jumping and dreamed of doing it in his own beloved motherland of Sarawak.

“I used to dream of (BASE) jumping from one of the buildings in Sarawak.  I am glad that I am able to fulfill the dream this year. After the Covid-19 pandemic, this event has finally resumed,” he said.

Awang Radin said in preparing for the jump, he enrolled himself in a BASE jumping course here organised by the Sarawak Kenyalang Club.

He made his first two jumps during the trial yesterday.

During his third jump this morning, he accidently let go of the brakes and experienced a hard landing.

“I did not panic, with the lessons I learned from the instructors and from my experience in skydiving, I learned to take action when things like this happened.

“What we learned from this BASE jump is we learned how to exit the building, to manoeuvre the parachute, and if something happened, what are the actions we must take,” he said.

Tait Janting, 50, from Sri Aman, who is also an army veteran, said his aim to be involved in BASE jumping was not just for personal fulfilment but also to do Sarawak proud.

He pointed out that BASE jumpers from Sarawak at present could be counted on one hand.

“We established the club called Sarawak Kenyalang Club to encourage young people to take up the sport and we are very glad to have support from the government.

“BASE jumping depends on your courage. You must have courage, then only you are able to do it. So, for those who want to try, they should try skydiving first and gain experience from there,” he suggested.

Tait said he had his first jump during the trial yesterday.

“Every time it is time for me to jump, there is always fear but we must let go of that fear and be confident,” he said.

Gary Cunningham from Australia made the first jump of the day. — Photo by Jane Moh

Kampung Sebiris, Lundu chief Selip Ambun said he is proud to represent the Salako community from Lundu at the Sibu International BASE Jump.

Selip believes he is the first from the community to be a BASE jumper and hoped it would serve as an encouragement and inspiration for young people and army veterans from his village to take up the sport.

His first Sibu International BASE Jump was in 2018.

“It is an extreme sport, not everyone is qualified to be BASE jumpers. You must have good health, must have experience first.

“You must be very courageous.  Skydiving is jumping from a very high place, BASE jumping is jumping from a high building, but the jump height to the ground is short, so only those with strong will and courage are able to do this,” he said.

According to him, every BASE jumper must be able to think quickly and take action when unexpected things happen.

The army veteran added he conducted some 920 skydiving jumps during his time in service.

A total of 33 jumpers are taking part in this year’s Sibu International BASE Jump.

They include three participants from Australia and one from the United States.