Premier launches Phase 1 of Kuching Urban Transportation System


Abang Johari poses with the newly-launched KUTS logo. – Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (Dec 16): Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg launched Phase 1 of the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Project today.

It involves the design, construction, and commissioning of the Autonomous Rapid Transit’s (ART) approximately 69.9km route.

Consisting of three urban lines, the Blue Line will be from Rembus in Kota Samarahan to Hikmah Exchange in the city centre, covering a distance of 27.6km; the Red Line will be from Kuching Sentral to Pending, covering a distance of 12.3km; while the Green Line will be from Pending to Damai Central in Santubong, covering a distance of 30km.

Abang Johari launched the project at the proposed site for Sarawak Metro’s ART depot (Rembus Depot) for the Blue Line in Samarahan.

According to a press release from Sarawak Metro, the Rembus Depot will be built on an 80-acre site, which will also house the depot for the KUTS Project’s hydrogen feeder buses as well as SEDC Energy Sdn Bhd’s hydrogen production plant.

Other facilities to be built at the Rembus Depot include an administration and operation control station building, stabling yard, hydrogen refuelling facilities, mechanical workshop, infrastructure workshop, as well as test track facility.

The Rembus Depot is scheduled to begin operation in the fourth quarter of 2025, coinciding with the opening of Stage 1 of the ART passenger service for the Blue Line.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC), Sarawak Metro has been entrusted by the Sarawak government to implement the KUTS Project, which aims to minimise and alleviate traffic congestion in Greater Kuching.

The KUTS Project focuses on an integrated public transportation system for efficiency and, tapping on the latest technology, Sarawak Metro will introduce the Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART), which is powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

The system will be supported by the feeder bus network to provide the first-mile and last-mile connectivity for KUTS. Just like the ART, the feeder buses will also be powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

The use of hydrogen fuel cells to power the ART is in line with the Government’s move to advance the hydrogen economy as well as efforts to decarbonise public transport in Sarawak.

The passenger service for the ART is scheduled to be introduced in stages, starting from the fourth quarter of 2025.

The first hydrogen-powered ART vehicle will arrive in Kuching in the third quarter of 2023, for Sarawak Metro’s proof-of-concept exercise for the vehicle, which is scheduled to be held in July 2023.