Forward complaints to National Consumer Action Council, S’wak online scam victims advised


(Front row from left) Ong, Abdul Malik, Rudy and Lim show some pamphlets during the press conference.

KUCHING (April 13): Online scams and fraud victims here are advised to forward their complaints to the National Consumer Action Council (MTPN).

MTPN Sarawak Branch chairman Wynson Ong said as soon as the council receives a report, it will be investigated and the council will coordinate with relevant government departments.

“We will report the case to the police according to the procedure, submit a complaint to the Ministry of Trade and Cost of Living, and forward it to the Consumer Claims Tribunal,” he told a press conference at the branch’s office at Oscar Commercial Centre here today.

Ong said there have been endless cases of online fraud including online purchases of goods and services.

However, consumers would rather suffer losses than complain to relevant authorities, as they are not aware of their rights and do not know how to get help, so they choose to remain silent, he added.

“This further encourages illegal businesses to act recklessly, resulting in an imbalance within the country’s economy, and even damaging the country’s reputation,” he said.

He said the council also serves as a channel for consumers to expose irresponsible businesses.

He added although MTPN has received numerous complaints on unscrupulous businesses, plenty of businesses actually adhere to the trading guidelines.

These businesses, he added, will go through a series of audits to be certified. This will then increase consumer confidence in their goods and services.

MTPN was established on April 21, 2016 to raise consumer awareness and protect consumers.

Meanwhile, MTPN National President Datuk Paduka Dr Yeo Kok Vui hopes that consumer issues will be given due attention in the Parliament.

“I hope those who champion consumer rights will be given an opportunity to voice out the issues so that consumer voices will be heard and taken into consideration in the implementation of government policies,” he said.

Present were MTPN secretary-general Rudy Rahman, MTPN Kuala Lumpur chairman Abdul Malik Jamaran and MTPN Sarawak secretary Ryan Lim Jia Hong.

Complaints can be sent to MTPN via its online form at