Lina can now go for treatment in Miri Hospital with temporary document


Lina (centre) holding a temporary identification document issued by JPN in Lawas today with Ruran (left) and Agnes.

MIRI (April 13): Cancer patient Lina Samuel has been issued with a temporary identification document following her meeting with the National Registration Department (JPN) in Lawas today, an indication that she could be getting back her MyKad.

Lina’s overjoyed daughter Ruran Lukas, when contacted, confirmed that her mother had been issued with the document that would serve as her identification pending further action from JPN and the Home Ministry.

“I cannot relate how I feel right now. I am so thankful to all parties, especially Agnes Padan who had assisted us all the way, including journalists who highlighted our plight in the media.

“During our meeting at JPN Lawas, we were told that my mother could be getting her MyKad soon. I really hope that this would come true,” she said, adding that the family had been praying for the matter.

Meanwhile, social activist Agnes Padan said that she was told that the temporary document could be used to travel (by air) if Lina needs to go to Miri for her next appointment with the specialist at Miri Hospital on April 17.

“This is an exciting development. For now, we are happy that the temporary identification (document) would allow her to travel for her next appointment without having to worry about being stopped by the authorities,” she said.

Lina, a 65-year-old woman from Long Sebangang Lawas who was diagnosed with colon cancer in February this year, had her MyKad seized by JPN Lawas in Nov last year.

This has caused many problems for Lina, who had to worry about her difficulty to travel from Lawas to Miri Hospital for her treatment.