Bintang Lagu Klasik Iban returns after 7-year hiatus, auditions in Kuching June


Isa (seated, third right) and committee members with proprietors and representatives of the production houses at the press conference.

KUCHING (April 15): The Bintang Lagu Klasik Iban talent search competition is back this year after a seven-year hiatus.

Organising chairman Isa Lee revealed that the competition this time is open to all and not just limited to those of Iban ethnicity, including lovers of Iban music from Sabah, Kalimantan Indonesia and the Philippines.

“We aim for quality not just quantity. That’s why we invite those from outside Sarawak to join so that scope will be wider, and at the same time to promote Iban language,” he told a press conference here today.

Isa, who is also Persatuan Anak Seni Iban Malaysia (Pasima) chairman, said it will be the third time the competition will be held after the first one in 2012 and second one in 2016.

He also informed that for this year, six local production houses are giving their support to make it a success.

They are Kaban Music Production (KMP), Twin Tone Production, OCH Sound Production, Gilson Production, Accoustic Studio 2.0 and Hwllvard Media Works.

“This also shows these companies are working together to develop the local music industry, unlike the negative things painted through the social media. I thank them for their support,” he said.

He said these production companies also agreed to rope in contestants as their recording artistes if they come across potential singers be it at the auditions, semifinal and final.

According to him again, this competition has produced successful recording artistes, most notably Eisner Nala Jackson who was the winner in 2012 and Tony Rumpang who won in 2016.

Isa said other contestants such as Jessica Remaya, Fierdarus Udin and Valerie Thiam have also gone on to become recording artistes and performed at official events.

For the competition, he said auditions will be held on June 10, 17 and 24 at KMP Studio near Aeroville Mall here.

Only those aged 17 to 35 years old can participate in the competition.

He explained that contestants can walk-in for the auditions from 9am to 9pm on those days.

From the auditions, he said 15 will be picked for the semi final scheduled in August, and the final to be held tentatively in October will see 10 finalists.

“For the auditions, the contestants can sing any Iban song including the latest ones. They can sing minus-one karaoke, acapella or with musical instruments.

“Those from Sabah, Kalimantan and the Philippines must send a video of their performance.

“Only for the semifinal and final stages are they required to sing classic Iban songs which are categorised from 1960s until 1990s” he said.

He disclosed attractive prizes awaiting winners – RM2,000 for the first placed, RM1,000 for second placed, RM700 for third placed, and consolation prizes of RM300 each. All contestants will also receive certificates and hampers.

According to Isa again, the trophy will be specially designed and ordered from Kuala Lumpur.