MPKS told to ensure contractors not sloppy, negligent


(From front fifth left) Minos is seen with Asean Master trainer Dr Florince Christy and councillors during a recent workshop.

KUCHING (May 24): Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) must ensure that its contractors carry out their jobs according to their terms of contract.

MPKS chairman Datuk Peter Minos pointed out that the council relies heavily on private contractors to carry out its services.

“It is here that MPKS must do constant checking, monitoring, physical verification, and disciplining of contractors. If not, there is always the tendency of contractors getting ‘cuai’ or sloppy and negligent.

“This must not happen for the public cannot accept it, being ratepayers,” he said in a statement today.

Minos said this is in line with the needs of Samarahan residents, who want the municipality to be safe, clean, and green.

He stressed MPKS must intercede when major development projects, including those carried out by other agencies, are in trouble or fall ‘sick’.

He cited the construction of the five traffic lights along the Samarahan Expressway, which is now progressing well, as an example where MPKS worked together with the Public Works Department (JKR) and Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development to expedite its completion.

“We are thankful that together with JKR and the ministry we sorted things out amicably. We intervened because it was in the best interests of the people of Samarahan,” he said.

He called on MPKS councillors and staff to give their best when carrying out their responsibilities.

“Whether doing their statutory work like desludging, scavenging, street cleaning, grass cutting, tree trimming, drain cleaning, or physical development projects, the councillors and staff must put in their best and go that extra mile to seek the best. Nothing short of this is acceptable,” he said.

He pointed out MPKS is implementing six major multi-million projects on behalf of the Integrated Regional Samarahan Development Agency (IRSDA).

These include the one-mile boulevard, which will be Samarahan’s newest attraction; expansion and new development of Asajaya; Desa Ilmu lake beautification; and construction of Tambirat market.

“Now MPKS also fully supports the government’s public projects in Samarahan. Very tough for MPKS, being short of engineers and architects, but those projects must be done and completed,” he said.