Dry taps causing hardship to Kim Fung Market operators


Taren Sunil looking at the yet-to-be washed cups, plates and utensils.

SANDAKAN (June 11): Stall renters at Kim Fung Market, Mile 4, Jalan Utara, Sandakan, are up in arms because the inconsistent water supply is giving them a hard time and affecting their business.

“Worst affected are the food stall operators who depend heavily on regular water supply to carry out their business,” said Taren Sunil Manoharan, the President of Sandakan Indian Association.

Kim Fung Market is a very popular haunt for those looking for a good meal whether for lunch, dinner or supper.

The SIA President had dropped by at the market last Thursday night for a meal when he noticed stall operators and their workers busy carrying canisters of water to their stalls.

When he enquired, the food stall owners eagerly voiced their dissatisfaction with the water supply situation at the market.

“The dry taps caused them much inconvenience and frustration. They had to reassign their workers to regularly carry water from their cars/vans to their respective stalls. This has affected their service to customers and slowed down food preparation resulting in impatient customers having to wait longer for their meals.

“They also had to use water sparingly while washing pots and pans as well as dirty plates and utensils. I really hope that cleanliness of food preparation had not been compromised due to the water shortage,” said Taren Sunil, pointing to several piles of yet unwashed plates and cups.

“I urge the Water Department to promptly look into the problem. It might not even be their fault or responsibility. So, other authorities concerned like MPS (Sandakan Municipal Council) should also send their team to check if the problem is due to pipe breakage or other issues somewhere within the market or any place within their jurisdiction. These hawkers are trying to earn a decent living but have to suffer much inconvenience just trying to get enough water to run their food business,” he said.