6kg-catch earns Andyzul ‘Raja Tenggiri Mukah 2023’ title


Andyzul (centre) receives his prizes from Royston (third left).

MUKAH (June 19): Andyzul Ubut was named as ‘Raja Tenggiri Mukah 2023’ in the Raja Tenggiri Mukah fishing competition held in conjunction with Sarawak’s 60th independence celebration.

Andyzul landed a mackerel weighing 6.060kg and took home a cash prize of RM3,000, a trophy and hamper.

In second place was Mohd Musa Suntong who reeled in a mackerel weighing 5.305kg. He won RM1,500, trophy and hamper.

Abang Abdul Aziz placed third with his 5.195kg mackerel and received RM1,000, trophy and hamper.

Meanwhile, the Best Tekong category went to Aini Ajis who landed four mackerels weighing a total of 11.515kg. He received RM500, a trophy and hamper.

The Best Group category was won by team Lucky Strike who landed three mackerels weighing a total of 7.075kg in three hours and 48 minutes. They walked away with RM2,000, a trophy and hamper.

The hampers were sponsored by Malaysia Game Fishing Anglers.

The prizes were presented by Tellian assemblyman Royston Valentine, with Deputy Minister of Economy Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib, who is Mukah MP, officiating the launching ceremony.

A total of 83 anglers throughout Sarawak took part in the competition.