2,500 people expected at Sarawak Day Ecumenical Prayer Service this Thursday


Ambrose (third left), Chan (third right), Semilee (second left) and other members of the committee holding a banner promoting the prayer service.

KUCHING (July 18): Around 2,500 people are expected at the Sarawak Day Ecumenical Prayer Service this Thursday night (July 20), said Association of Churches Sarawak (ACS) secretary-general Elder Ambrose Linang.

He said the prayer service, held in conjunction with Sarawak 60 Years of Independence and themed ‘Abound in Hope’, will be held at the Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre (CEWC), Jalan Stampin here starting at 7.30pm.

“All Christian members of state and federal governments, heads of departments and leaders of interfaith group such as Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh and Bahai have been invited to attend in the spirit of ‘Segulai Sejalai’ (Togetherness in Unity). Let us at all the time break down walls and make bridge among all Sarawakians of different faiths,” he said at a press conference today.

Ambrose disclosed that the host church is the Seventh-day Adventist Church with Pastor Chan Tin Loi acting as the chairman of the main organising committee.

He also revealed president of Seventh-day Adventist Mission Sarawak Pastor Semilee Tajau will share the reflection on the theme during the prayer service.

“The Anglican Assistant Bishop of the Anglican Church in Sarawak and Brunei Rt Revd Nelson Ugas shall recite the opening prayer and Kuching Roman Catholic Archbishop Most Revd Dr Simon Poh shall led the blessing with all heads of churches at the end of the programme,” said Ambrose.

According to him, a combined choir led by Eugene Suboh will also lead the congregational singing of hymns throughout the service, while the mini ensemble will be led by Paka Siam and Edmund Dais.

He said the order of the service will cover different themes of scripture readings and prayers, and the recitation of the holy scriptures will be in English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Bidayuh Biatah and Iban.

“Preceding the readings of scriptures and prayers, the hoisting of Jalur Gemilang and Sarawak flag by a federal minister and state minister respectively,

“At the service, there shall be prayer for 60 years Sarawak Merdeka. Also, prayers for the Sarawak government, premier and cabinet, for lawmakers and those in authority that they continue to work harmoniously in upholding our religious freedom, justice, liberty, political stability, unity, leaders and social inclusivity and blessings be upon Sarawak.

“We pray for leaders of different faiths, to have mutual understanding and respect among all races and faiths. And, we pray for all believers to promote true Christian moral value, witness to the community and to contribute to the peace and harmony of our state,” he said.

As such, he said ACS calls upon all Christians in the city to join in the prayer service to symbolise unity.

“It is time to pray for our beloved Sarawak and Malaysia for the spirit of goodwill to reclaim centre stay among all race of different beliefs and cultures.

“Let us not allow racial polarisation and religious extremism to destroy the fabric of our society which has been the main engine that has prepared Sarawak and Malaysia,” he added.

He said ACS branches throughout Sarawak are also holding similar service at their respective premises.

“ACS would like to affirm its commitments towards promoting harmony and unity among all the peoples of Sarawak and our nation because unity and social cohesiveness are the pillar of socio-economic progress and development,” he said.