Sarawak Day prayer gathering at Hoover Square Sibu on July 22


(Seated fourth left) Yet and his committee members pose for a group photo.

SIBU (July 21): Prayer United Sarawak Central Zone (PUSCZ) will hold a Christian gathering at Hoover Square (next to Masland Methodist Church at Island Road) from 7.30pm to 9.30pm this July 22.

The event with its theme – ‘Banner, Belonging, Beloved’, aims to gather Sarawakian Christians from different denominations and churches to come together to pray and celebrate Sarawak’s 60th independence.

The working committee which is tasked with the preparation for the gathering is headed by Reverend Debbie Yet from Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC).

The programme will have the youths and church members gathered at four anchor churches – Xin Fu Yuan Methodist church at Brooke Drive, Sacred Heart Cathedral at Jalan Lanang, Borneo Evangelical Mission (BEM) at Jalan Keranji and City Harvest Church at Jalan Merdeka.

These youths and church members will carry their church banners and walk from their respective anchor church to Hoover Square, where they are expected to reach Hoover Square at 7.30pm.

All Christians will unite for an evening of praise and worship, as well as prayers and lighting of candles to represent blessings and the light of Christ.

Prayer United encourages all Christians to join in the event by either gathering at the respective churches according to their denomination. For Christians of independent churches, they can gather at City Harvest Church at 6.45pm.

Meanwhile, for those who are unable to join in the walk, they are encouraged to gather at Hoover Square at 7.30pm.

There will also be a collection of donations at the end of the programme and all collections for the night would be given to local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and charities.