Trailer truck runs over motorcyclist in Kuching


An umbrella shields the victim at the scene prior to the arrival of medical personnel.

KUCHING (July 26): A male motorcyclist suffered serious injuries to his left leg after he was run over by a trailer truck near Mile 10 Jalan Penrissen around 10.30am today.

According to sources, the 45-year-old motorcyclist was initially hit on the side by a car, which caused him to fall onto the road.

This led to his being run over by the truck.

Members of the public at the scene tried to alleviate the victim’s suffering by shielding him from the hot sun.

Minutes later, paramedics from the Ministry of Health arrived and provided the motorcyclist with first aid.

He was then moved on a stretcher to an ambulance, which brought him to Sarawak General Hospital.

The victim from Kampung Annah Rais is currently being treated at the hospital’s redzone.