Drones to be used in ESSZone areas


Hazani speaking to reporters at the press conference, flanked by Victor (right) and Muguntan.

KOTA KINABALU (July 28): The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) plans to set up a special team in Lahad Datu which utilises drones to assist the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCom) in its operations in Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone) areas.

Federal police Internal Security and Public Order director Datuk Seri Hazani Ghazali said this was decided after a recent discussion with ESSCom commander Deputy Commissioner Victor Sanjos at his office in Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.

“These drones are capable of recording footage, live streaming and relaying real-time messages to the base.

They will be brought along on marine vessels and, in the event of an emergency, will be deployed as a first response before an ESSCom team is dispatched.

“In terms of teaching manpower, we have a skilled officer in PGA who is internationally qualified (United States and Europe) to train the drone unit, so that is not an issue.

“In the early stages, we only planned to place one unit in Lahad Datu. At the same time, the marine police there will be fully cooperating with ESSCom in this endeavour,” he said at a press conference during an ESSCom dinner with the media at a hotel here on Thursday.

When asked on Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor’s suggestion to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to assist ESSCom in its operations, Hazani said it is feasible but requires airport landing space and support from the State government.

Hajiji said the use of UAVs needs to be empowered to further strengthen the role of ESSCom.

He said this is to ensure that ESSCom, as a leading enforcement agency that coordinates security operations in the ESSZone, can be optimized in terms of capability and readiness.

Hajiji, who is also the chairman of the ESSZone committee, said this in light of facing a difficult situation in guarding all of ESSZone’s ten districts from Kudat to Sandakan.

“Thus, the use of UAVs will not only reduce security risks faced by security forces personnel on duty but also increase air domain, especially in carrying out surveillance in Sabah’s east coast and being more end-user oriented.

“The use of new assets and technology such as UAVs will further intensify security control in Sabah, especially in the ESSZone, and enhance readiness in dealing with unwanted situations by improving security control at the borders and national waters,” he said in his speech which was read by Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir at the ESSCom media appreciation night.

He also thanked Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for announcing a RM40 million allocation to improve the infrastructure and facilities of ESSCom personnel quarters in Lahad Datu.

“Hopefully this initiative will increase the morale of ESSCom personnel so that they can give their all in defending the sovereignty of the country,” he said.

Commenting on the Sulu claim case, Hajiji said the decision of the The Hague High Court in favor of Malaysia is a big victory for the Malaysian government in general and Sabah in particular.

Hajiji stressed that this proves the Malaysian government has never stopped trying to protect the sovereignty, security and interests of the country. Similarly, he said the State government will never allow any party that tries to violate the rights and sovereignty of Sabah.

Meanwhile, Hajiji urged all media practitioners to continue to educate the public through their news so they can become citizens who love the country and have a high sense of identity in defending the nation’s sovereignty, especially for Sabah.

“The fact is, no one can deny the importance of the media’s role in educating the public. The media can change people’s thinking and their pen can determine the ups and downs of a country,” he said.

Hajiji said the Unity Government’s promise for media freedom is a dream that is currently being realised, and the proposed repeal of the Printing and Publishing Act as well as the revision of the Anti-Fake News Act and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Act are a reflection of the government’s commitment to create an environment where the media is free to channel authoritative information to the people and government.

He said there are many things that need to be considered before realizing this dream, especially the information boom resulting from technological progress which has changed the ways and culture of the younger generation.

“We do not want our younger generation to be influenced by false information. To deal with this problem, the country needs a system that regulates media content so that only credible, accurate and reliable information reaches them. Hopefully this dream of media freedom will be realized in the future,” he said.

Also present were Federal police Internal Security and Public Order director Datuk Seri Hazani Ghazali, ESSCom commander Deputy Commissioner Victor Sanjos, State Deputy Police Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner Shahurinain Jais, and Sabah Journalists Association (SJA) president Datuk Mugutan Vanar.