No plastic bags at Bintulu supermarkets on first weekend of each month  


The campaign is part of efforts to protect the environment. – Photo from Facebook/Bintulu Development Authority

BINTULU (Aug 1): The ‘Reduce Plastic Bag’ campaign will be implemented here starting this weekend.

In a statement, the Bintulu Development Authority (BDA) said the campaign will be carried out every first Saturday and Sunday of the month.

“In line with the mission towards ‘Low Carbon Industrial Hub by 2030’, the Bintulu Development Authority, together with fellow supermarket owners took the initiative by holding the campaign to reduce the plastic bag usage,” said the statement.

Customers will need to bring reusable bags for their shopping.

BDA said it hopes this initiative will receive good cooperation from the public in the effort to protect the environment.

It pointed out that plastic bags can take up to 500 years to decompose or break down.