Curtin Malaysia to hold Careers Fair on Sept 20, 21 in Miri


Gathering of employers at last year’s Curtin Malaysia Careers Fair, the largest ever with over 50 participating organisations.

MIRI (Aug 3): Curtin University Malaysia will be holding a Careers Fair 2023 from Sept 20 to 21, and invites organisations from various industries to participate in the event.

According to a statement from the university, the annual Careers Fair has, since 2010, been an effective platform for Curtin Malaysia’s graduating students and alumni and other job seekers to explore employment opportunities and interact directly with employers.

The fair aims to empower participants with valuable insights into different industries, enhance their networking skills, and foster meaningful connections within the professional community.

For participating organisations, it has served as a platform to showcase their recruitment capabilities, promote their brand, and engage with potential talent, even during the Movement Control Order in 2020 and 2021 when the event was conducted virtually.

By engaging with students and graduates of Curtin Malaysia and other job seekers, organisations have a chance to offer valuable insights into their respective industries, provide mentorship opportunities, and establish meaningful connections that can benefit all parties in the future.

As many organisations will be conducting on-the-spot job interviews, attendees are advised to come prepared with resumés, portfolios, transcripts, and insightful questions to engage with potential employers effectively.

They will also get to attend career-focused workshops, seminars, and panel discussions with the organisations to enhance their professional skills and gather valuable insights into the job market.

The Careers Fair will be held from 10am to 4pm at Curtin Malaysia’s Recreation & Event Centre on both days. Admission is free and no pre-registration by attendees is required.

Meanwhile, organisations interested to participate in the Careers Fair are required to register at before the registration deadline, which has been extended to Aug 11.

Applicable fees are indicated on the website. Spaces are limited, so prompt registration is recommended to secure participation.

“I hope companies keen to hire our graduates, or offer our students internship opportunities, will take the opportunity to join the Careers Fair.

“It is an opportunity not to be missed. Our graduates have been recognised as being among the most sought-after in Malaysia,” said Curtin Malaysia’s pro vice-chancellor, president and chief executive Prof Simon Leunig.

Over 40 organisations are expected to participate in this year’s Careers Fair. About 30 from across Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei have already registered.

To obtain more information about the Curtin Malaysia Careers Fair 2023, contact Career & Alumni Services at Curtin Malaysia on 6085-630100 ext. 2599 or email to [email protected].

For more information on Curtin Malaysia, visit or look for Curtin Malaysia on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn or TikTok.