ACCCIS welcomes China’s ambassador to strengthen Sarawak-China partnership


Tan (third right) presents a memento to Ouyang, while Dr Sim (second left) and Chai (right) look on.

KUCHING (Aug 20) Sarawak ought to proactively participate in China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiatives for mutual benefits of collaborative partnerships between the state and China, said Datuk Tan Jit Kee.

The Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sarawak (ACCCIS) president said this during a luncheon hosted by ACCCIS here today, in welcoming China’s Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing’s visit to the state.

“As the accelerator for world economic progress, China is a market with high potentials of various business opportunities,” he said.

“Given this, Sarawak should pick up such trend, proactively participate in the ‘Belt and Road’ initiatives for mutual benefits and prosperity,” he added.

Tan remarked that Ouyang’s visit would pave way to strengthen the strategic partnership between Sarawak and China, while at the same time, write a new chapter for Malaysia-China relationship which will mark its 50th anniversary next year.

“Despite being separated by the South China Sea and the geographical challenges, Sarawak and China have built up and maintained close rapport over the years.

“In the heart of Sarawakian Chinese, there is a special place for China since we share similar historical background and cultures,” he said.

Chinese in Sarawak, he added, had inherited the oriental traditions and preserved them well, in terms of delicacies, costumes, festival celebrations, arts and cultures.

“They came from the same setting and background and even though they continue living on different lands, they will continue to pass down and promote their traditions,” he noted.

Since the establishment of relationship between Malaysia and China way back in 1974, he said Sarawak had collaborated with China in various business industries.

Not only had the two parties succeeded in business collaborations but they had also recorded breakthrough and rapid development in terms of other sectors including culture, education and tourism, he said.

Sarawak’s rich natural resources and far-reaching policies and plans as well as the prevailing political stability and racial harmony, he said, have made the state as a choice for preferred investment destination.

“This will enhance the industrial transformation pace of Sarawak and bring about new development to the state’s economy in terms of new economy and digital innovation.

“Furthermore, Sarawak has now reached the ranks of a high-income state in Malaysia, according to latest data from the World Bank,” he said.

Also present were Deputy Premier Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian, who was the special guest at the luncheon and ACCCIS secretary-general Datuk Jonathan Chai.