Dead fish incident did not happen in Sabah – Jeffrey


Jeffrey — file photo

KOTA KINABALU (Sept 8): Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan on Friday said that the viral video of dead fish floating in unidentified waters alleged to be associated with the release of toxic waste in Fukushima, Japan did not happen in Sabah.

According to him, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Ministry, through an investigation by the Sabah Fisheries Department, confirmed that the dead fish incident did not occur in Sabah.

It was verified to have occurred a few weeks ago in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, specifically among the fish kept in cages, he said in a statement.

The cause of death is understood to be due to algae blooming and is unrelated to the release of toxic waste, Dr Jeffrey added.

“The ministry would like to advise the public not to be concerned about the possibility of fish being contaminated with toxic substances because the Sabah Fisheries Department, along with several agencies and institutions, is closely monitoring the situation and taking precautionary measures.

“The ministry also urges the public, especially fishermen, to report immediately if they witness a sudden and significant number of dead fish in any waters in Sabah,” he said.