Premier: Sarawak wants representative in National Energy Council


Abang Johari arrives at the Hikmah Exchange here today. – Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (Sept 23): Sarawak wants a representative in the National Energy Council, said Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

He said this is to facilitate the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), and that he had conveyed the matter to Economy Minister Mohd Rafizi Ramli when met during the federal Cabinet meeting held at Wisma Bapa Malaysia last week.

He said presently, there is no representative from Sarawak sitting in the council, which is chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“During the federal cabinet meeting in Sarawak that day, I asked Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for Sarawak to have a representative in the council.

“This is because currently, Sarawak has no representative sitting on the council. That’s why I’m asking them to have a representative from Sarawak. Just like what we had requested before, to have our representative sitting in the Inland Revenue Board,” he said at the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Kuching Zone Convention officiating ceremony at Hikmah Exchange here.

Abang Johari said he is aware that the National Energy Council plays an important role in deliberating the NETR.

Noting the importance of NETR in mapping out the nation’s energy transition, he pointed out Sarawak participation in the council would enhance the transition map towards clean energy and low-carbon economy.

He also cited various efforts undertaken by the Sarawak government in green energy as an example which he believed could become the impetus in positioning Malaysia as a renewable energy hub in the region.

“Sarawak is a region that has prioritised environmentally friendly energy that is green energy and we have our own technology and our way to mitigate carbon and also for us to produce renewable energy whether from hydro, solar, wind, and also hydrogen.

“And recently we have had a new approach using biomass especially wood pellets for us to generate energy,” he said when met after the event.

Adding on, Abang Johari said Anwar had agreed with his proposal, and that one of Sarawak’s federal ministers would be appointed to sit on the council.

“For this reason, last Saturday the Prime Minister instructed the minister of economy to appoint Sarawak in the energy council.

“The council was established to navigate our national’s energy transition program.

“Yes, our federal Cabinet minister will be the member (of the council). The proposal was presented and agreed that day by the Prime Minister together with the Economy Minister Rafizi,” he said.