Eight Sarawakians fall for job scam, forced to work as scammers in Myanmar


Azman addresses the press conference. At left is Mancha while Fung is at right. – Photo by Galileo Petingi

KUCHING (Sept 25) Police are working to locate and rescue eight Sarawakians who are being forced to work as scammers in Myanmar after initially taking up offers to work in Thailand.

Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Mohd Azman Ahmad Sapri said the victims comprise men aged between 23 and 35.

“We received three police reports on this case. The first was filed on Sept 21 in Tanjung Manis involving two victims; the second on Sept 22 in Julau involving one victim; and the third in Sibu involving five victims.

“All of them had received job offers via Facebook to work in Thailand with salaries ranging from RM3,000 to RM6,000,” he told a press conference at the state contingent headquarters here yesterday.

Based on information obtained, Mohd Azman said upon their arrival in Thailand, all of the victims were taken to Myanmar and forced to become scammers.

He said if they failed to meet the targets set by their ‘employers’, the victims were fined, physically abused and threatened with being sold to other agents.

“Furthermore, the victims were barred from contacting any family members. They were only able to communicate with their families in secret,” he added.

He said the matter has been referred to Bukit Aman for further action, and also forwarded to the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) and Asean Chiefs of National Police (Aseanapol) to assist in locating and rescuing the victims.

“The police have also informed the Consulate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to expedite the rescue efforts and the return of the victims,” Mohd Azman said.

Meanwhile, he advised the public not to easily fall for job offers that promise substantial salaries, whether within or outside the country.

He said the public should verify the authenticity of potential employers with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before accepting any job offers.

Also present at the press conference were Deputy Police Commissioner Datuk Mancha Ata, and Criminal Investigation Department chief SAC Wong Ing Fung.