Sibu association to run anti-rabies vaccination this Saturday


Lau (fifth left) and others hold up posters for the anti-rabies vaccination programme.

SIBU (Oct 19): Sibu Division Chinese Community Leaders Association is holding an anti-rabies vaccination programme at SMK Tung Hua here this Saturday (Oct 21).

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, chairman Temenggong Dato Vincent Lau said the vaccination will run from 9.30am until 2pm.

“Apart from the vaccination, KPJ Sibu Specialist Medical Centre will also conduct free health screening for blood pressure and glucose level from 8.30am until 10am.

“Then, from 10am until 11.30am, there will be an awareness talk on rabies. Those attending the talk will be given a door gift,” he said.

“We encourage the public to attend the talk and bring their dogs to be vaccinated as we hope to reduce the risk of rabies and prevent rabies deaths.”

According to him, Saturday’s event will be the 10th such programme held by the association, and they are anticipating some 500 to take part in this event.

This one-day event will also be held in collaboration with the divisional health and veterinary offices, as well as the village security and development committees (JKKK) of Sibu Barat, Jalan Merdeka, Meritam, Brooke Drive, Ria, Delta Estate and JalanTun Abang Haji Openg.

For the record, about 2,000 dogs have been given the anti-rabies vaccine since the campaign started. The next campaign will be sometime in November.

For more information, contact Penghulu Lau Hieng Wuong on 016-2201776, Kapitan Hiing Mee Giong (019-8585689), Kapitan Ling Swee Hing (016-8554033), Kapitan Pang Mei Lang (019-8173399), Kapitan Wong Kiong Khing (019-8860339) or Kapitan Shirley Tiong Siew Ching (016-8883871).