S’wak women’s organisation explores product development during Sabah trip


SFWI members visit a boutique during their trip to Sabah.

KUCHING (Oct 19): The Sarawak Federation of Women’s Institute (SFWI) recently went on a trip to Kota Kinabalu and Kundasang, Sabah to learn more about developing products among its entrepreneur members.

SFWI, in a news release, said its main committee members and entrepreneurs visited various places of interest, including handicraft and beauty product centres as well as homestays.

The SFWI delegation, led by its chairperson Aishah Edris, also paid courtesy calls to the Sabah Women’s Affairs Department (JHEWA) and Sabah Small-Medium Bumiputera Women Entrepreneur Industry Association (IKSnita).

During the courtesy calls, Aishah shared with JHEWA and IKSnita the objective of SFWI and the activities organised by the institute to advance women in Sarawak.

The SFWI entrepreneurs also shared their experiences and success stories working on the businesses they ventured into.