Dream of working in oil and gas industry closer to reality for 27 Sabahan youths


TEP trainees posing for photographs in front of the Upstream Downstream Training Plant at INSTEP.

EVER since he was young, Edgar Isaac Edward had been exposed to the oil and gas industry.

“My brother works for an oil and gas service provider in Labuan, and he has been encouraging me to go into the same industry since I was in secondary school,” he said.

That goal is now getting closer to reality for him and 26 other Sabahans who recently completed their Technical Energy Enrichment Programme (TEP) at Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) in Kuala Nerus, Terengganu.

Hailing from Kampung Nosoob, Penampang, the 25-year-old had applied for enrolment at INSTEP in November 2022 after graduating from a diploma programme at Politeknik Sabah the year before.

His short stint as a technician with a contractor serving PETRONAS Chemicals Methanol Sdn Bhd in Labuan as well as hearing about his INSTEP trainers’ experiences, reaffirmed his commitment to building a career in the industry.

Edgar receiving his certificate from Muin Masri, Head of Production, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd, Sabah Assets, at the graduation ceremony.

Edgar’s aspiration is shared by fellow graduate, Nur Faizatul Aqilah Mohd Sabta Zahiry, whose career goal is to work in the oil and gas industry after receiving a minor sponsorship from PETRONAS when she was in secondary school.

“I received the sponsorship from Form 2 until Form 5 and I, along with other recipients, got exposed to the industry through activities organised by PETRONAS, such as visits to Petrosains.

“I also have an uncle who works offshore. We used to visit his family in Brunei quite often but there were occasions when he was not around during our visits. I didn’t quite understand his job at that time, but when I met him during another visit, he explained what he does offshore. I was impressed and since then had been wanting to do the same,” said the 23-year-old who hails from Sipitang.

The fourth of five siblings said that upon completing her secondary school education, she was informed by her teacher on the opportunities offered by the Kimanis Petroleum Training Centre (KTC) and immediately applied for placement.

Despite already studying at the Labuan Matriculation College then, Faizatul did not hesitate to enrol in KTC when she received an offer to pursue a diploma there.

Upon receiving the diploma, Faizatul worked with a contractor at the PETRONAS Chemicals Fertiliser Sdn Bhd for six months. She then heard about opportunities of furthering her studies in INSTEP.

“One of the staff members told me about INSTEP’s intake so I applied and was accepted. I am beyond grateful for all these opportunities afforded to me by PETRONAS. My parents did not have to spend for my education.

“So, I really hope I can get a job at PETRONAS, preferably offshore; not only to earn a living but I also want to give back to the company,” she said, adding that she would take up any offer even if it is far from Sabah.

Another graduate, Rafael E Mathews, 23, who is from Kampung Sumbiling, Ulu Bongawan, said that although he grew up in a place relatively near to the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) in Kimanis, he had no idea about the industry, and thought the facility was an oil factory.

Rafael E Mathews

Upon completing his secondary school study at the Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) Kota Kinabalu in Kinarut, Papar, Rafael came across a KTC intake advertisement in a newspaper, which he applied, and was accepted.

KTC opened his eyes to the oil and gas sector, and since then, he has set his career path toward that direction.

“I was determined to work in the oil and gas industry because I want to improve our livelihood. Growing up was financially challenging as my parents’ income as rubber tappers was not stable.

“So, I was determined to uplift my qualification after obtaining a diploma so as to improve my employability chances,” he said, adding that he came to know about INSTEP while interning at SOGT as part of his KTC training.

After receiving his diploma at KTC, he applied for enrolment at INSTEP and was accepted. He said that although he was elated, his parents were initially reluctant to let him go as Terengganu was too far, but in the end, he managed to convince them.

The third of four siblings said that he looks forward to getting an offer from PETRONAS, even if it means being posted away from Sabah.

“In the meantime, I would go back to live with my parents to help them with their chores. It makes me sad to see them do backbreaking work; so, before I can help them financially, I want to do my part to lessen their physical burden first.

“But staying in my kampung will mean I won’t have internet access, so I will have to hike up the hill every day to refresh my email to see if I get any offer,” he said adding that his house is not accessible by road.

Nur Faizatul Aqilah Mohd Sabta Zahiry

Edgar, Faizatul, and Rafael are among 27 Sabahan learners, who received their certificates of completion at INSTEP’s graduation ceremony on 19 September 2023 under a sponsorship by PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd, Sabah Assets.

TEP is a 10-month pre-employment sponsorship programme, specially designed to develop essential technical competencies to upskill and produce certified job-ready technicians to support the global energy industry.

The 27 newly graduated trainees are the first batch of sponsored Sabahan learners from upstream industries, for technical trades such as production, instrument, mechanical and electrical.

The INSTEP signature training programme is tailored to cater to upskilling and upgrading of technical competencies through theoretical and practical learning. The blended learning solutions also include on-job-training in INSTEP’s Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP).

Chief Executive Officer of INSTEP Idris Ibrahim said the technical training institution is supporting human capital development as PETRONAS’ competency development partner. INSTEP’s role is to equip young talents with the technical skills to contribute back to the country’s development.