Experience immersive theatre staged at La Promenade Mall this weekend


Ling during the discussion with those involved in the production of ‘VII’.

KUCHING (Oct 28): One of the month-long What About Kuching (WAK) Festival 2023’s most unique experiences is an experimental immersive theatre performance, happening at La Promenade Mall in Kota Samarahan today and tomorrow (Oct 28-29).

According to the project’s director Christopher Ling, the play involves individuals from Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, including students from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas).

He says the interesting aspect of immersive theatre is that members of the audience get to choose what and how they want to see the show.

“Immersive theatre comprises several performances being done simultaneously at different sections of the venue.

“Those who want to enjoy the play would need to go to the different sections of the venue to see these performances.

“They have some 40 minutes to catch all the performances, and they can choose whichever performance that interests them,” he told reporters when met after the rehearsal at the venue on Thursday night.

Themed ‘VII’, the immersive theatre project is led by Theatrethreesixty, with collaboration from Unimas

“Theatrethreesixty and students of Unimas’ Applied and Creative Arts Faculty are creating this new theatre experience – written, rehearsed and presented for WAK 2023 audience,” said the organisers in a statement.

Established in March 2014, Theatrethreesixty has been making productions across Malaysia and Singapore, having been featured at the Kota Kinabalu Arts Festival, the Kakiseni International Arts Festival, The Other Festival Ipoh, Festival Belia Putrajaya, Gerak Angin Virtual Arts Festival and the Causeway Exchange Festival, Singapore.

Theatrethreesixty and students of Unimas’ Applied and Creative Arts Faculty are creating this new theatre experience, ‘VII’ – written, rehearsed and presented for WAK 2023 audience.

Meanwhile, La Promenade Mall corporate communications manager Jennifer Tang called upon art lovers to support this unique experience as it would be a great opportunity for locals to interact with Kuala Lumpur-based veterans, including directors, actors and sound engineers.

“Ticketed theatre shows for VII are scheduled for Oct 28 and 29.

“This is Theatrethreesixty’s fourth time doing shows for WAK.

“Previously, their shows had been held at the Old Court House and Think & Tink Kuching,” said Tang.

“Moving to La Promenade Mall’s exhibition hall this time, the group now has more space, more equipment and the show will also be closer to the university students.”

Tang also said La Promenade was delighted to be part of this year’s WAK, which she hailed as ‘without a doubt, Sarawak’s best arts festival’.

“This year, there were two WAK events at La Promenade: Oktoberfest, which has just ended, and this week’s immersive theatre.

“There is a thriving arts and events scene in Sarawak, and La Promenade is the perfect venue.

“We have art retailers like Hoan Gallery; we have hosted stand-up comedy shows, including Kevin Jay; we’ve hosted architectural competitions. All were well-received,” said Tang.

For more information, go to lapromenademall.com.my and hsl.com.my, or search @lapromenademall on social media.