Bomba DG: Site for new fire station in Julau still in process of approval


Abdul Wahab (centre), Tiang (second left) and others during the press conference at Sungai Merah fire station.

SIBU (Nov 5): The latest status of the construction of the new Julau fire station is still in the process of getting approval and land site ownership from the Land and Survey Department Sarikei Division, says the Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) director-general Datuk Seri Abdul Wahab Mat Yasin.

“We have identified the land site to build the Julau fire station and the latest status of the site, which is awaiting approval from the Land and Survey Department Sarikei Division.

“The conditions for the construction of the fire station are that land approval must be completed first before the station can be built. Julau MP has also always voiced this in parliament.

“If the land process is difficult, JBPM will buy any existing building that is compatible with the safety factor,” said Abdul Wahab at a press conference during the official visit to Sungai Merah fire station yesterday.

Meanwhile, Abdul Wahab said that in the face of the coming flood season, as many as 29,000 JBPM members nation-wide will prepare for rescue operations later.

“To face the northeast monsoon season, a total of 337 fire stations throughout Malaysia will be operating. As for the members, as many as 29,000 firemen throughout Malaysia will be deployed in the rescue operation for the flood victims later.

“We have also identified 5,496 locations that are frequently prone to flooding throughout Malaysia.

“There are 1,034 locations in Sarawak that we have identified. This identified location also includes low-lying areas and river bank areas,” he added.

Also present were Deputy Minister for Public Health, Housing and Local Government II, Dato Michael Tiang; Deputy Director of Sarawak State JBPM, Tiong Ling Hii; and Bomba Sibu Zone 4 chief Andy Alie.