Deepavali: Indian community in Sarawak not forgotten


Dr Sim (fifth right), Wee (fourth left) and members of the Indian community at the Padungan White Cat statue here tonight. – Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (Nov 8): The Indian community may be a minority in Sarawak but they will not be forgotten during the Deepavali celebration, said Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian.

As such, he said he will be accompanying Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg to visit Deepavali open houses this coming Sunday in a gesture of goodwill.

Among the open houses they would be visiting would be the Kuching North City Council (MBKS) councillor Shankar Ram Asnani, who is also a prominent lawyer here, he added.

Dr Sim, who is also Minister of Public Health, Housing and Local Government, said this when met after a simple ceremony to light-up what Dr Sim described as the famous landmark in Kuching – the Padungan White Cat Statue.

Today, the Cat statue was also dressed up in colourful Sari – the traditional cloth of Indian women – in conjunction with Deepavali.

“In Sarawak, we look after our people, regardless if they are a minority or not. The ceremony tonight is not just a symbol of unity but a show of respect to the Indian community,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kuching South mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng said due to time constraints, they could not hold a programme to dress up the cat statue with the public.

However, he promised that for next year Kuching South City Council (MBKS) will engage with the public, which he described as significant in line with the celebration.

He said MBKS will also hold a session of goodies distribution for members of the B40, courtesy of sponsor Everrise Supermarket, tomorrow to mark the festive occasion.