Kuching pedicurist loses RM158,000 to online part-time job scam


Dato Mancha Ata

KUCHING (Nov 23): A woman in her 30’s was cheated off RM158,000 after applying for a part-time online job offer via Facebook page “Rock Space” in the middle of this month.

Sarawak Police Commissioner Dato Mancha Ata in a statement today said the woman, who works as a pedicurist in a local salon here, was given an online link to start the part-time job.

“According to the victim, the job offer did not require any payments until she was asked to click on a given link to continue the part-time online job,” said Mancha.

Once clicking on the link, the woman was then asked to “top-up” a certain amount of money to bank accounts which were provided by the suspect(s) who pretended to be from customer service.

The woman was then told by the suspects to transfer around RM158,000 sum from her bank account to nine unknown bank accounts in the middle of this month.

“According to the victim, she received a commission of only RM397.30 from the online work,” said Mancha.

She only realised that she was scammed after she failed to withdraw the RM158,000 and her commission from a given e-wallet.

She also claimed that the suspect had asked an additional RM50,000 in order for her to be able to withdraw the money from the e-wallet.