Uggah officially opens new House of Epiphany in Kuching


Uggah (third left) shows the plaque that he signed to officiate the official opening of the House of the Epiphany today. Also seen is Danald (second left).

KUCHING (Dec 4): Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas officially opened the new House of the Epiphany at Jalan McDougall here this morning.

In his speech, Uggah said the official opening of the new House of the Epiphany marked a momentous moment in the history and growth of the Anglican Church and the Christian faith.

“This beautiful building stands majestically as a new landmark in the heart of Kuching city.

“It is another proud testament to the state Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government’s policy of inclusivity. We have promised to help and what we have promised is there now standing magnificently for all to see.

“Thus, this inclusivity policy is not just rhetoric but followed by actual support programme and seen and felt,” he added.

Uggah, who is also Infrastructure and Port Development Minister, said he was impressed with the work done on the new building.

“I must also congratulate the building committee who have successfully managed the construction until completion. I was told there was some delay but without any cost overrun. This shows that you know how to pick a good contractor,” he added.

Uggah said with the new House of the Epiphany in place, the Anglican community now has a new building to be used as a theological training college for priests-in-training, as well as to train youth leaders and women ministries, among others.

The House of the Epiphany will also assist in the further growth of the church and strengthening the faith of all concerned, he added.

“With the Christmas season about three weeks away, the new House of the Epiphany certainly makes for a most wonderful Christmas gift to the community in the state.

Uggah said the Unit For Other Religions (Unifor) in the Sarawak Premier’s Department had given a grant of RM11.5 million for the House of the Epiphany’s construction and refurbishment.

“On behalf of all, I would like to thank our Premier YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg for his thoughtfulness and big heart,” he added.

At the function, Uggah also presented a grant of RM60,000 to the Boys’ Brigade 1st Kuching Company to enable them to purchase new bag pipes and drum sets. The cheque was received by St Thomas’ Cathedral Dean, The Very Revd Kho Thong Meng.

Meanwhile, Uggah said the GPS government has always been very supportive and mindful of the needs and welfare of the non-Islamic religions in the state.

He said when Unifor was set up in 2017, the state government had allocated it RM15 million, followed by RM20 million the following year and RM30 million in 2019.

“From 2020 to 2022, the grants were RM50 million each year. Due to the long list of requests, the state government graciously increased the allocation to RM100 million this year.

“This includes RM20 million to help mission schools,” he said.

Among others present at the opening were the event’s organising chairman who is also the Bishop of the Anglican Church Kuching and Brunei Darussalam The Right Revd Datuk Danald Jute, Sarawak Catholic Church Archbishop Simon Poh, Association of Churches Sarawak secretary-general Elder Ambrose Linang, House of Epiphany Warden Rev Canon Alfred Damu Bulang and Gurdial Singh who represented President of Sarawak Sikh Temple Association.