Ops Sapu: 24 babies, children among 58 illegal immigrants nabbed in Miri


The illegal immigrants who are detained during ‘Ops Sapu’ in Miri. – Photo from Facebook/Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Sarawak

MIRI (March 10): A total of 58 foreigners, including 24 babies and children were arrested in the city centre on Friday for allegedly working here without valid working passes, abusing their social visit pass and overstaying.

Sarawak Immigration Department director Abdul Halim Abang Naili in a statement posted on the departments’ official Facebook page, said that the suspects were arrested in an operation dubbed ‘Ops Sapu’ which were carried out by 60 personnel.

“Acting on intelligence, an operation was launched on a few settlements where illegal immigrations suspected of working without valid passes, abusing their social visit pass as well as overstaying in the country.

“A total of 58 people were arrested, comprising 20 men, 14 women as well as 24 babies and children.

“Among offences committed included no personal identification and overstaying which breached the Immigration Act 1959/63, Passport Act 1966 as well as the Immigration Regulations 1963,” he said.

He added that all of the suspects had been placed at Bekenu Detention depot for investigation and further action.

Abdul Halim said such operation is conducted throughout the year in Sarawak in an effort to prevent the entry of illegal immigrants.

He called on the public to continue working hand in hand with the department by channeling information related to illegal immigrants.